Table of Contents

These documents are available offline. See the doc directory in the NIMH ML installation path or click the "?" icon on the main menu.

  1. About NIMH MonkeyLogic
  2. Features
  3. System Requirements
  4. Getting Started
    1. Obtaining NIMH MonkeyLogic
    2. Software Installation
    3. Starting NIMH MonkeyLogic
    4. File Formats Supported by NIMH MonkeyLogic
    5. Aligning Timestamps and Analog Data
    6. Migrating from the Original MonkeyLogic
  5. Main Menu
    1. Logo & Load/Save Settings
    2. Conditions File & Run Button
    3. Video
    4. Input / Output
      1. DAQ board settings
      2. Other device settings (USB, etc.)
        1. Audio Engine
        2. High-frequency Sampling
        3. Mouse / Key
        4. Touchscreen
        5. USB / Network Joystick
        6. Webcam
        7. TCP/IP Eye Tracker
        8. Reward via Bluetooth
        9. Voice Recording
        10. Lab Streaming Layer
      3. I/O Test
    5. Task
      1. Alert function
      2. Task flow control
  6. Creating a Task
    1. Conditions File
    2. Userloop Function
    3. Timing Script v1
    4. Timing Script v2 (Scene Framework)
      1. Background
      2. What is the adapter?
      3. How to create adapter chains
      4. Scene analysis
      5. Making your own adapter
    5. Scripting Scenes
      1. Graphic adapters
      2. Adapter aggregators
  7. Running a Task
    1. Loading a Conditions/Userloop File
    2. Pause Menu
    3. Control Screen
    4. Behavioral Summary & mlplayer
  8. Hardware Setup
    1. Monitor
    2. NI Multifunction I/O Device
    3. Calibrating Eye/Joystick Signals
    4. Touchscreen
    5. Arduino for Reward
    6. Photodiode Tuner
  9. Appendix
    1. TaskObjects
    2. TrialRecord Structure
    3. Timing script functions & Command window functions
    4. Screen Object
    5. Keycode Table
    6. BHV2 Binary Structure
    7. HDF5 Implementation
    8. NIMH DAQ Toolbox
    9. MonkeyLogic Graphics Library (MGL)
    10. Coordinate Conversion
    11. Blackrock LED driver
    12. Networked Eye Tracker & Joystick
    13. Parallel Port Pinout

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.