I/O Test

Test all assigned inputs/outputs in this window. It can be opened from the main menu and the Pause menu.

Touch input can be tested here, too. Just don't forget to check on [Touchscreen] in the "Other device setttings" menu first.

To test STM (stimulation) and TTL, click on the icons with the mouse.

For General Input, High Frequency and Voice, you can adjust their input range. First, select a channel with a mouse click. Second, click on the max or min value label displayed on the right side (this step is not necessary for Voice). Third, use the cursor keys to adjust the value. UP increases it by 1 volt and DOWN decreases by 1.

The sample update interval can be controlled with LEFT & RIGHT keys.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.