Screen Object

The Screen object has information about the subject screen, such as screen size, refresh rate, etc.

    Screen.SubjectScreenRect % [left top right bottom] in Windows coordinates Screen.Xsize % in pixels Screen.Ysize % in pixels Screen.SubjectScreenAspectRatio % Xsize / Ysize Screen.SubjectScreenFullSize % [Xsize Ysize] Screen.SubjectScreenHalfSize % 0.5 * [Xsize Ysize] Screen.RefreshRate % in hertz Screen.FrameLength % in milliseconds Screen.BackgroundColor % [R G B] Screen.PixelsPerDegree % a positive scalar

It is accessible in the timing file. Even when it is not directly available, you can retrieve it from MLConfig.

    Screen = MLConfig.Screen;

In adapters of the scene framework, access it via the tracker object.

    Screen = obj.Tracker.Screen; % in adapters

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.