Timing out task with MultiTarget & ComplementaryWindow
October 09, 2020 04:14PM
Hello all,

I am wondering if anyone can help me figure out the trap I accidentally made for myself. I am building a visual discrimination task using runtime V2 that has touch initiation and objects appearing in 4 locations, one correct and one a distractor. I also used ComplementaryWindow to have the task proceed if the background is selected.

I would like the trial to time out after a given number of seconds and that is where my issue lies. With MultiTarget I used .WaitTime and with ComplementaryWindow I used WaitThenHold in hopes of accomplishing this. However, the task does not time out. In fact, after the given waiting period no portion of the screen is selectable. I have tried turning TurnOffUnchoosen On/Off and have added if statements at the end of the task in an effort to get the task to move forward with no luck.

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone has a clue as to what I should try next, what I did wrong, or why this is not working. I've attached my timing file here as well if anyone has time to look through it.

Thank you in advance!
Re: Timing out task with MultiTarget & ComplementaryWindow
October 10, 2020 12:01AM
See the example in the ComplementaryWindow manual.

You just need to change SingleTarget to MultiTarget in the example. The scene will stop if there is no touch for wth.WaitTime (5000 ms).
Re: Timing out task with MultiTarget & ComplementaryWindow
October 13, 2020 12:15PM
Hi Jaewon!

Thank you for the help! That worked out perfectly.

Is the OrAdapter simply not capable of what I was attempting to do?

I appreciate all your help, hopefully one day I won't need to ask as many questions!

Best wishes
Re: Timing out task with MultiTarget & ComplementaryWindow
October 14, 2020 02:22PM
Re: Timing out task with MultiTarget & ComplementaryWindow
October 14, 2020 03:35PM
Thank you! That was extremely helpful!

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