Monkeylogic compatibility with non webcam camcorders
April 13, 2022 03:21AM

we have non webcam USB infrared cameras (I attached photos of their specs), that we would like to connect with a DAQ and monkeylogic in order to transfer a TTL signal to multiple devices at once. Is it possible to do this? Is the monkeylogic software compatible with these non webcam cameras?

Thank you
open | download - Basler.jpg (331.9 KB)
open | download - Kayeton.jpg (281.3 KB)
Re: Monkeylogic compatibility with non webcam camcorders
April 13, 2022 09:46AM
What is your question? Do you want to send TTLs to the cameras? Or do you want NIMH ML to record videos from them?
Re: Monkeylogic compatibility with non webcam camcorders
April 14, 2022 09:00AM
Both. I have a DAQ which can send TTL signals to multiple systems simultaneously. I would need NIMH ML to control the DAQ and tell it when to send the TTL signal to the various systems, and when to stop. Among the systems that I will connect to the DAQ (and to NIMH ML) I would like to use one of the two cameras attached in the previous message, so I need NIMH ML to be able to start and stop the recording of the chosen camera (i.e. to record a video from it).
I did some tests by connecting with a USB cable the two cameras attached above to a PC with the monkeylogic software, but both were not detected correctly: for this reason I was asking for information regarding the compatibility of the system with non webcam cameras, and in particular with those attached above, or for help in the setting in order to have the camera read correctly by NIMH ML
Thanks for the reply!
Re: Monkeylogic compatibility with non webcam camcorders
April 14, 2022 10:03AM
Read the camera manual. It sounds like the camera is controlled by its own software and just triggered by external TTLs.

For TTL control, read the NIMH ML manual.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.