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Continuous Sampling of HIgh Frequency/Voice Input During Trial

Posted by acecala 
Continuous Sampling of HIgh Frequency/Voice Input During Trial
July 12, 2021 03:19PM
Hi Jaewon,

Hope all is well in the states. My recollection is that the 'general inputs' are only sampled at 1kHz and that the get_analog_data is only a snapshot (duration unknown to me) that can sample 'high frequency' or 'voice' data at a user defined sample rate. Is it possible to sample high frequency/voice information through the general inputs/get_analog_data for prolonged periods (i.e., either within a scene in a trial or for the duration of a trial)?

Thanks for your time,

Re: Continuous Sampling of HIgh Frequency/Voice Input During Trial
July 12, 2021 05:50PM
Sorry. I do not understand the question. What do you mean by "sample high frequency/voice information through the general inputs/get_analog_data"?

General Input, High Frequency and Voice are all recorded independently from trial start to trial end. get_analog_data() returns a given number of samples that are most recently recorded, but you just cannot request samples beyond trial start for an obvious reason.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.