Color change after recover from pausing
January 18, 2021 08:25AM
Hi Jaewon,

I use a projector (BenQ DLP WXGA MW632ST) for the subject's screen, which works well in general.

However, every time after I recover the task from pausing (by Esc), there is a a transient and overall change (looks like covered with a transparent green layer, which lasts around 1s and will recover to the normal task color after that).

Currently, this transient color change will occur if I pause the task more than 5s OR the first trial after I initiate the Monkeylogic.

Color change will not happen if the task keep on going.

Do you have any idea why this happens and how to avoid?

Thank you!
Re: Color change after recover from pausing
January 19, 2021 02:45PM
Please download the NIMH ML package again and try it. It may fix the issue. But, even if it doesn't, this is not a problem that I need to solve since it is not NIMH ML that adds the green layer.

Let me know if the new package makes any difference.
Re: Color change after recover from pausing
January 21, 2021 12:33AM
Hi Jaewon,

I tried the current version (NIMH_MonkeyLogic_2.2.mlappinstall).

Unfortunately it didn't make a change.

Thanks for your reply and please let me know if you have any new suggestion.
Re: Color change after recover from pausing
January 21, 2021 04:31AM
I have nothing to suggest. You should talk to the projector maker.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.