Unlimited Time to Respond
January 12, 2021 11:54AM
Hello Jaewon!

I would like to have stimuli presented until an animal makes a choice. That is, the stimuli appear on the screen and then do not disappear until a choice is made. I have currently accomplished this by setting Multitarget's .WaitTime = 1/0 as that equates to infinity in Matlab. Is that the correct way I should be approaching this problem?

It may or may not be related, but after making this change I have had the following error occur on two occasions - after a random duration of time (45 min and 1 min), the stimuli remain presented on the screen, but are unable to be interacted with. It seems that once this occurs monkey logic marks that the task has reached its end time and stops counting elapsed time. This has happened twice to the same animal, but not yet to another animal running on the same task and computer, nor have I been able to get the behavior to repeat for me. I am not sure if this is related to the max reaction time that I have set as 1/0.

I would appreciate any advice you can offer!

Thank you.
Re: Unlimited Time to Respond
January 12, 2021 10:34PM
I don't know what to say, due to lack of information. I wonder why you don't use Inf though.
Re: Unlimited Time to Respond
January 15, 2021 03:59PM
Hi Jaewon!

I apologize for my lack of clarity. I am running on timing script version 2, using adapters and scenes. We have a touch screen setup that uses MultiTarget. I set .WaitTime = 1/0 to have an unlimited time for animals to respond. I see your point that using Inf would be a simpler solution.

My questions are as follows:

1. In order to set .WaitTime to never end and have stimuli available until an option is selected, is setting .WaitTime = Inf the best course of action? Or, is there a function built into ML that is more direct?
2. Could setting .WaitTime = Inf lead to the screen no longer accepting inputs? I am familiar with the idea of infinite loops and want to make sure we do not fall into a similar trap.

I appreciate your time and expertise.

Thank you.
Re: Unlimited Time to Respond
January 15, 2021 06:50PM
1. I do not know what is the best. I assume you do not keep the subject in the lab for days, so any large number, like 86400000, will do, if you do not like Inf.
2. This is not that kind of infinite loop. If the screen did not respond, MATLAB was probably frozen for some other reason, which I do not have enough information about.

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