Setting Threshold Detection Window Equal to Size of Task Object
November 16, 2020 01:11PM
Hello Jaewon!

I appreciate all of your help so far! And I'm back with another question.

I would like to present Task Objects of varying size in ML and have the Target.Threshold detection window equal to the size of the object. I have attempted to access the size of the object using TrialRecord.CurrentConditionStimulusInfo.Size. However, this appears to be measuring in pixels and .Threshold is measured in degrees.

Is there a simple way to implement code like this? I would like to avoid using a userloop at the moment, though we may go there eventually.

Thank you for the help!

Re: Setting Threshold Detection Window Equal to Size of Task Object
November 16, 2020 02:37PM
Just calculate degrees back from the pixel size.
degrees = pixels / Screen.PixelsPerDegree;
Regarding to the Screen object, see this post.,13,13#msg-13

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