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'-color' editable

Posted by bts 
'-color' editable
August 05, 2020 06:25PM
Hi Jaewon,

I am having an issue with the '-color' editable type. When I use it, run the task, and open the "edit timing file variables" dialog box, the dialog box opens and immediately closes. No error message comes up. If I remove the '-color' type and only have the [R G B] values as the editable, the dialog box opens fine and I can type in the RGB values. I am using all of the other editable types with no issue.

The task still works as designed without the color GUI, but it would be nice to be able to use it.
Re: '-color' editable
August 06, 2020 04:28AM
The error message was suppressed. Try the example task in the "task\runtime v1\9 editable demo" directory. If it works, you might type something wrong.
Re: '-color' editable
August 06, 2020 12:37PM
Thanks Jaewon, I figured out the issue. I was setting the default RGB as [255 255 255] instead of [1 1 1]. The error was because of the 0-255 range instead of 0-1.

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