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adapter time in bhv2

Posted by zhiweiyemingren 
adapter time in bhv2
April 10, 2024 12:42PM
Dear experts,

How can I find the start time of a child adapter in bhv2 file? For example, for the adapter WaitThenHold, it has a child adapter SingleTarget, I want to find the time when the SingleTarget successes in the bhv2 file. I am asking because I forgot to get this time in my program. As the mlplayer is capable of replaying the trial, I believe the time must be stored within the bhv2 file. I looked into the filed "ObjectStatusRecord.SceneParam", unfortunately, it only contains the time when a scene starts.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could answer me.

Re: adapter time in bhv2
April 10, 2024 03:56PM
The start time of a scene and the time of Success in a child adapter are not the same thing, but I understand what you mean.

Unfortunately, the Success time of SingleTarget (= AcquiredTime of WaitThenHold) is not stored in BHV2. mlplayer replays scenes by feeding recorded eye signals to the adapter chains again as if those signals are just acquired, not by remembering all the timing info.

You can calculate the distance between the eye and the fixation point and determine the time yourself. A couple of lines' code will do. Note that SingleTarget changes its Success state after the eye stays in the threshold window for at least one entire frame, not as soon as the eye enters the window.
Re: adapter time in bhv2
April 11, 2024 04:53AM
Hi Jaewon ,

I see. It is really helpful. Thank you very much!


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