Events from eyelink via TCP/IP
May 19, 2022 09:07AM
Hello Jaewon,

The EyeLink system calculates a couple attributes I am interested in pulling into MonkeyLogic: e.g. blinks and their related saccades (SSACC, BLINK, ESACC). They are sent via TCP/IP along with XY and Pupil.

Apparently they can be incorporated into data collection for users of Psychtoolbox using the EyeLink toolbox, a Matlab wrapper for their API.

Can we extend the use of the EyeLink API to pull additional data into MonkeyLogic?

I'm not sure if it needs (can?) happen at the level of the timing script? Or needs to be implemented alongside your reading of XY and Pupil via TCP/IP?

Hope you can help,

Thanks, Peter

Response from EyeLink ___________________________________________________________________________

Hi Peter - events (ESACC / SFIX etc) are indeed streamed over the TCP/IP Link, along with the sample data. Compared to sample data, the event data contains detailed information such as start times / end times / durations etc, and as such it cannot be output as voltage via the DAQ card or paralllel port. The only way to access the event data over the TCP/IP Link is via our Developer's Kit / API:

EyeLink Developers Kit / API Downloads (Windows, macOS, Linux)

For Matlab users the EyeLink Toolbox (which is a component of Psychotoolbox) is essentially a matlab wrapper for our API, and provides functions that allow both events and samples to be read over the link. It seems that the developers of Monkey Logic have used our API to allow access to our gaze data, but I assume this is limited to sample data and does not provide access to events (I'm not very familiar with Monkey Logic).


In theory it should be technically possible to adapt Monkey Logic so that it is also able to read the event data over the link - the functions exist in our API - but this may be something that would need to be implemented by the developers of that software.
Re: Events from eyelink via TCP/IP
May 19, 2022 10:30PM
Unfortunately I cannot find time to work on functions specific to a particular product for now. The blink and saccade statistics can be easily calculated from the XY and pupil signals. I do not think you want to use their stats without knowing how they calculate them.

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