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System requirement changes in v2.2

Posted by Jaewon 
System requirement changes in v2.2
July 02, 2020 05:37PM
As some new important features, such as low latency audio in WASAPI shared mode, are available only in Windows 10, support for Window 7 will be dropped in future releases soon. This accompanies the adoption of the latest compiler, so some old MATLAB versions that do not support the new compiling tool will be excluded as well. Please consider these changes in your plan for new setups and let me know if there is any concern.
* Changes in system requirements

                   v2.0                                           v2.2
--------------------------------------------       -------------------------------------
   Windows 7 SP1 or later (32- or 64-bit)     -->      Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
   MATLAB R2011a or later (32- or 64-bit)1    -->     MATLAB R2014b or later (64-bit)
VC++ Redistributable for VS2013 (x86 or x64)  -->  VC++ Redistributable for VS2022 (x64)
   DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)      -->    No need to install DirectX Runtime

1 MATLAB does not support Windows 7 SP1 from R2022a.

v.2.2 has the following features in addition to everything v2.0 can do. They are not supported in v2.0 even if v2.0 is run on Windows 10.

- The control screen window, calibration tools and mlplayer are resizable.
- Audio playback with minimum latency (<10 ms) in the WASAPI shared mode
- Visual feedback for touch input is disabled automatically.
- Support for the lab streaming layer
- Support for Tobii Pro eye trackers

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