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Feb 3, 2020 build 205

Posted by Jaewon 
Feb 3, 2020 build 205
February 03, 2020 05:09PM
* Changes in NIMH MonkeyLogic 2 (Feb 3, 2020)

+ Now NIMH ML searches for stimulus files through a pre-determined path list
so that the files may be stored anywhere in the disk. The path list can be
managed in the "Set path" menu. The order of paths searched is as below.

1) The given path of the file, if the filename is a full-path string
2) Task directory, where the conditions file or userloop file exists
3) NIMH ML installation path
4) From the top of the search path list

- When to pop up the [Save settings] dialog is determined more accurately.


- A typo in the DragAndDrop adapter is corrected.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.