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Jan 23, 2020 build 204

Posted by Jaewon 
Jan 23, 2020 build 204
January 23, 2020 04:29PM
* Changes in NIMH MonkeyLogic 2 (Jan 23, 2020)

+ Now webcam videos can be compressed and added to the data file. You can
attach previously exported video files back to the data file as well with
the mlimportwebcam function.

+ mlplay processes webcam data much faster now.

+ New WebcamMonitor adapter. This adapter can slow down the whole operation of
NIMH ML significantly, if the image size is large.

- When a movie is created from a MATLAB matrix, the time unit of the frame
rate is supposed to be milliseconds, but internally it was treated as
seconds. It is fixed now.

- MGL did not draw graphic objects of the same color as the default color key
([255 128 0]). It is fixed now and the default color key is changed to
[30 31 32].

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.