There are a few more things you can try. Windows keeps all previous monitor configurations and restores them when the same monitors are connected again. Sometimes this prevents you from starting a new, fresh configuration. So I would delete all previous configurations from the registry first, although it may not solve the problem. To do so, open regedit, go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentCoby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Can you explain the details more? What is the purpose of getting the time during the trial? Eventmarker times usually become available after a trial via the TrialRecord Jaewon - Questions and Answers
You can set eventmarkers in each row of the image list. Jaewon - Questions and Answers
You should check if your webcam really captures 30 frames per second first. Many webcams work at 15 fps, although they say 30 fps. Maybe they are using the interlaced mode. Each frame captured in NIMH ML has a timestamp, so you can compare it with your trial length. MAT compresses data. BHV2 doesn't. There is no time to compress video during Jaewon - Questions and Answers
There is nothing in the error report that indicates NIMH ML. It is a problem of your mat file and MATLAB. You can see it for yourself with the following commands. who('-file','fixate_reward_userloop_cfg2.mat','test') load('fixate_reward_userloop_cfg2.mat')by Jaewon - Questions and Answers
I ran your task on a slow computer with a slow HDD over 6,000 trials but failed to replicate the problem you mentioned. I begin to think that you should look for the source of the problem somewhere else. Have you tried updating video codecs?by Jaewon - Questions and Answers
* Changes in NIMH MonkeyLogic 2 (Oct 4, 2019) + Now double/logical variables with 5 or less elements can be editable. - Two errors in mltaskobject.m due to mistyped object and property names are fixed. (Thanks to aboharbf from the ML forum) - An error that occurred when the userloop returned the timing filename as a cell scalar is fixed. (Thanks to Soo Hyun Park)by Jaewon - News
Did you test different resolutions and refresh rates? You can also try switching the main display or plugging in a third display. It seems related to how the graphics board controls multiple monitors, but I don't have a definitive answer Jaewon - Questions and Answers
What are the screen resolution of both of your monitors and the size of video memory of the computers? Have you tried increasing "Vsync spinlock", like to 2 or 3 msec? It shouldn't be a problem that your monitors support various refresh rates, but, if they support any sort of "Free Sync" technology, you may want to disable Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Maybe I can consider it if I don't do mk research anymore, but now both NIH policy and my limited time do not allow me to do Jaewon - Questions and Answers
You need to download the entire package, not just the adapter. Sorry for the inconvenience. I think I designed Sequential for too special cases previously so tried to make it work more generally this Jaewon - Questions and Answers
A block change means that the set of available conditions is switched, so it is not an intention but just a natural consequence of the design that the 'error logic' is applied within a block. For example, Block 1 should run only Condition 1, 2, and 3 in the following setting, so, if you switch from Block 2 to Block 1, Condition 4, 5 or 6 cannot be repeated in the new block. Conditiby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
I don't know. I was told that I should use our NIH-based IT resource, to provide service in my working time, which is the reason that we moved the forum website to here. And I don't see why GitHub is better. I don't use Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Please explain why you think it is a bug and what is the correct behavior. From the information you posted, I don't see a particular problem. You set to play only one trial, whether it is correct or not. So a block change (to the same block, since you selected only one block) occurs after each trial, which increases the number of blocks completed. To make "repeat immediately" meby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
If you use the scene framework, you can use the mouse_ tracker, instead of the touch_ tracker, and switch between them. Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Sounds good. Please keep me posted if you run into the same problem. I think the issue may be related to the speed of reading stimulus files. I have talked to many people who use stimuli of massive size and often the problem was that their HDDs were not fast enough. Your movies are short but not compressed, so the HDD might fail to keep up. Even so, you should see an error message, not a stby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
I rewrote the Sequential adapter. Please overwrite the one in your ext directory with the attached file. Or download the package Jaewon - Questions and Answers
I take back what I said about memory leaks above. I did further tests, but your task just used more memory and it was not a leak. Since I cannot replicate the problem, would you do a test for me? Change mgl\mgladdmovie.m like the following and see if the problem occurs again. % Line 10 of mgladdmovie.m FROM: if ~exist('buffering_time','var'), buffering_time = 2; end TOby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Thanks for the information. Please give me some time to look into this. How many trials do you run and how much memory does your computer have? ----- I have tested your task. It seems that there is a memory leak. Since I don't see it in a simple version of a task that I made to test your movies, there may be something in the way that your task is written, but I don't know Jaewon - Questions and Answers
You know that the Galaxy Tab is an Android device, not a Windows one. I have no idea how the remote monitor app bridges the gap between different OS, but at least it is certain that the tablet is not under direct control of the control computer. NIMH ML is not made for this kind of application. If you want to keep the two-monitor setup, there are many touchscreen monitors on the market. Just bby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Your task uses many movies. It seems that there is a deadlock created during movie presentation. I have two questions. Was the task stopped at the same stage of trials in those two crashes? Are you using a hard disk or solid state disk?by Jaewon - Questions and Answers
What is your tablet model? I don't understand what is the role of the remote monitor app here. It appears that your tablet is a stand-alone computer but you want to use it as a passive monitor. Do you know if the tablet sends touch information back to the control computer? Check the system property of the control computer and see if touch is enabled (the first figure in the following linkby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
I don't think it is related to the MATLAB version or simulation mode. I need to replicate the problem myself. Is this the task you shared with me a few days ago?by Jaewon - Questions and Answers
I guess you did not change the screen size ("Fallback screen rect.") as I told you. (Do not use the simulation mode after you change Fallback screen rect., by the way.) With the simulation mode off, you are doing the task as a "real" subject, so you should touch the subject screen, not the control screen. Touches and mouse clicks are not the same. Mouse clicks work as toucby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Thank you for letting me know the issue and providing the test material. It would take a lot longer for me to find it, if it were not for your help!by Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Thanks for the task files. They were helpful. There were new TaskObject properties not copied properly. To fix it, put the following code after Line 75 of mltaskobject.m val.Scale = ; val.Angle = ; Or download the packages Jaewon - Questions and Answers
You don't need a DAQ board for touch input. Also you can use Bluetooth to trigger reward devices. NIMH ML is designed for two-screen setups, but there is a trick to run it on a tablet. Check on 'Forced use of fallback screen' on the main menby Jaewon - Questions and Answers
Sorry. A test code is inserted mistakenly. Please modify Line 136 of mltaskobject.m like the following. I will update packages soon. From: b = mglclass; To : b = mltaskobject; ----- The download packages are Jaewon - Questions and Answers
It doesn't make sense if they are not updated in parallel, so this sounds like a trust issue. You can test this yourself easily with an oscilloscope. I don't know how MATLAB DAQ Toolbox works. You should talk to people in Jaewon - Questions and Answers
You need to show at least your new test result. There can be so many reasons why it does not work. NIMH ML already uses a lead time long enough for most systems (one tenth of the refresh interval), so, unless you are using a FHD or 4K monitor for the subject screen, it shouldn't be a big Jaewon - Questions and Answers