Sound Test Tools

SND Toolbox

This toolbox is built for playing sounds via current audio APIs of Windows (XAudio2 & WASAPI).


Source & compiled binaries

The package includes only a 64-bit binary. To recompile the source code, Visual Studio 2022 and MATLAB R2022a (or later) are necessary. See readme.txt in the zip file, for compile instructions. (133 kB) - C++ and MATLAB codes are included.


  • MATLAB: see sndtest.m
  • C++: see sndtool\build\winsound.cpp

Audio Latency Test

This MATLAB script is written to test the latency of audio play/recording and included in the SND Toolbox.


  • At least one NI multifunction I/O board (PCIe type) that supports analog input (AI) and analog output (AO)
  • NIMH DAQ Toolbox (included in NIMH ML; unzip v2.2 and add the daqtoolbox directory to the MATLAB path)


  1. Run audio_latency.m on the MATLAB command window and adjust test options on the GUI.
  2. Open the Sound Control and increase the volume of the chosen device to the max.
  3. Connect the devices as shown in the [Wiring Information].
  4. Click the [Start Measurement] button.
  5. To test with a different driver, install it by following the instructions in this page.

Test data

The files below include test data of the following devices. To see the results, use audio_latency_viewer.m included in the SND Toolbox.

  • NI PCIe-6323
  • NI USB-6212
  • Realtek
  • SB Audiogy FX PCIe
  • SB Play3 USB
  • Vantec UGT-S220 PCIe
  • Vantec NBA-120U USB (4.67 GB) - including raw data files (1.48 MB) - raw data files are not included

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.