Sound Test Tools
SND Toolbox
This toolbox is built for playing sounds via current audio APIs of Windows (XAudio2 & WASAPI).
Source & compiled binaries
The package includes only a 64-bit binary. To recompile the source code, Visual Studio 2022 and MATLAB R2022a (or later) are necessary. See readme.txt in the zip file, for compile instructions. (133 kB) - C++ and MATLAB codes are included.
- MATLAB: see sndtest.m
- C++: see sndtool\build\winsound.cpp
Audio Latency Test
This MATLAB script is written to test the latency of audio play/recording and included in the SND Toolbox.

- At least one NI multifunction I/O board (PCIe type) that supports analog input (AI) and analog output (AO)
- NIMH DAQ Toolbox (included in NIMH ML; unzip v2.2 and add the daqtoolbox directory to the MATLAB path)
- Run audio_latency.m on the MATLAB command window and adjust test options on the GUI.
- Open the Sound Control and increase the volume of the chosen device to the max.
- Connect the devices as shown in the [Wiring Information].
- Click the [Start Measurement] button.
- To test with a different driver, install it by following the instructions in this page.
Test data
The files below include test data of the following devices. To see the results, use audio_latency_viewer.m included in the SND Toolbox.
- NI PCIe-6323
- NI USB-6212
- Realtek
- SB Audiogy FX PCIe
- SB Play3 USB
- Vantec UGT-S220 PCIe
- Vantec NBA-120U USB (4.67 GB) - including raw data files (1.48 MB) - raw data files are not included